
Posted by Victor on .

Amelia tries to bluff her way out of trouble, but that Clonoid is having none of it! They have her on video surveillance! Poor Amelia is dragged away by the Clonoid soldier and the rest of the people are given a harsh warning to stay in line!

Interrupted Dreams

Posted by Victor on .

Back at the village, Amelia is busy taking care of Vera. As she does so, she thinks of Zik and how fortunate they are that he has arrived! But someone interrupts her reverie…

Head Bump

Posted by Victor on .

The two erstwhile combatants gingerly let themselves the rest of the way down the cliff and continue their journey. Zik swears not to get in Trent’s way, although he didn’t swear not to dissuade Amelia if she’s interested! They’re friends, it seems… for now!

Hang Time

Posted by Victor on .

Whew! That was quick thinking by Zik! Good thing he’s got that emergency grappling hook! It certainly comes in handy! And nothing breaks the tension like a near-death experience. If you can’t laugh at that, you can’t laugh at anything!

Over The Cliff

Posted by Victor on .

Trent is a little too hot under the collar to listen to reason. Something tells me he has a little bit too much pent-up frustration! Who can blame him though; he’s a slave, too shy to court the girl of his dreams, and is getting upstaged by a suave hero with a spaceship! Well, it’s a moot point now, because they’re going over the cliff to certain death!

Trent’s Explosion

Posted by Victor on .

Zik wasn’t too sensitive with his words there! Could it be that he wouldn’t mind stealing Amelia’s attentions? Either way, Trent’s jealousy gets the better of him and he socks Zik in the jaw! That’s no way to treat a guy who can break you out of jail!

Climate Control

Posted by Victor on .

Trent is getting downright rude with Zik! What a grump! Stay tuned to find out why!

Hey check it out! Here’s a video of me inking this page!