Posts Tagged ‘water’

A New Crewmate

Posted by Victor on .

As Defender Zik and Tanaka return to the beach landing zone, the Temerity approaches in the distance. Tanaka remarks that he and Zik make a good team, having already been through three death-defying adventures together! Zik heartily agrees, and again offers Tanaka a place aboard the Temerity. Tanaka accepts! Welcome aboard!!

But what did the insidious Dr. Wagner mean when he mentioned curing all the sleeping people? It’s a mystery for another day, because it’s time to wrap up this epic adventure through the time tunnel!

That’s right, Defenders, we’ve reached the end of this episode! We’ll be back shortly for an all-new adventure with your favorite space hero Defender Zik!

Gallant Defender

Posted by Victor on .

With the rescue balloon inflated, Zik and Haven begin a rapid rise to the surface of the water. The shark starts to follow, but Haven finally manages to activate the shark repeller!

On the surface, Zik spits out his breathing unit to tell Ramesh and Todd to help them out of the water quickly! There’s no holding back a great white shark, so they need to get into the boat pronto!

Once safe, they drive the boat to the dock on the island, and Zik helps Haven out of the boat. Todd’s call for help managed to attract some attention, and a transport ship from the University of Port Rothbard, Haven’s research sponsor, arrives to help. A journalist from Zoz Broadcast News arrives as well, drone camera rolling!

Haven tells the whole story of her discovery, the avalanche, and how Zik rescued her to the reporter. And then she says the fateful words that will cement Zik’s legacy for all time! Zik will forevermore be known as Zik the Gallant Defender of Zoz!

Later that evening, once all the excitement is over, Zik and Haven go for a romantic walk on the beach on Talia Island. The couple has strong feelings for each other, and they begin a relationship with a kiss at sunset.

Escaping Jaws

Posted by Victor on .

Always the man of action, your favorite space hero Zik charges at the shark! His hope is to get close to it before it expects him and inflate the balloon in its mouth. His ploy works, and the mighty shark chomps the inflating rescue balloon with such force that it bursts. A mass of bubbles to sprays out, confusing and disorienting the great white. Zik seizes the opportunity to escape, grabbing Haven and inflating her rescue balloon!

Jaws Incoming

Posted by Victor on .

Back in space, Amelia notices something wrong with what Zik has just told her. Haven’s comment belies the fact that she hadn’t heard of the “famous” Zik! But Zik explains that Haven gets so absorbed with her work underwater that she barely notices that the rest of the universe exists. She was only barely aware that Zik had saved her life once before during the incident with the asteroid!

Zik continues his story. The underwater lab is starting to buckle under the weight of all the rocks that have fallen on it. Haven wants to leave using the submersible she usually uses to get to the lab, but Zik informs her that the bay doors are blocked by debris! There isn’t time to clear it all away before the lab collapses!

A frustrated Haven begins stripping off her clothes in preparation to swim to the surface. She gathers some necessities: a waterproof bag filled with her all-important research data, some emergency balloons designed to allow someone to be lifted rapidly to the surface, and a device that emits EM waves designed to repel sharks. Zik is a little surprised to hear about the sharks!

Outside the lab, Haven starts to play with the EM shark repeller, but she can’t remember how to activate it. Zik notices that it’s too late to get it going; a shark has arrived, and it’s noticed them! Uh oh!

Haven’s Lab

Posted by Victor on .

Amelia is curious about the type of girl Zik likes to date, so Zik starts telling his next tale! The last lady he dated was Haven LeClaire, a marine biologist.  She had an underwater lab near Zik’s island home on Zoz, where she was researching dolphin and whale communications. On the day they met, Haven had just made a breakthrough: she had learned how to communicate with dolphins! She was also close to discovering how to communicate with humpback whales, and there was a lot of activity around her lab. The ocean was crowded!


Posted by Victor on .

Defender Zik wraps up his first story about how he became so well known on his home planet of Zoz! With all the preparations complete, he launches his escape pod and leaves the asteroid behind. It’s all in the hands of fate, now!

He lands the pod in the middle of Zoz’s largest ocean, the Mirabilic, close to where the asteroid will be passing by.  Sure enough, as he emerges from the escape hatch, the asteroid streaks by overhead, exploding with a giant sonic boom!

Amelia is pretty impressed with the tale. No wonder Zik became so famous! Few people have ever saved an entire planet before. Zik tells her that this wasn’t the first time he made headlines on Zoz. What will be the next tale?

Extra Crispy

Posted by Victor on .

The power is engaged! A zillion volts surge through the giant Clonoid super-soldier as Zik looks on from the safety of the catwalk.  Our relieved hero watches to make sure his goose is well cooked. Now all he has to do is stop a whole riot! All in a day for Zoz’s greatest hero.

Down It Goes

Posted by Victor on .

The catwalk collapses under the Clonoid, and down it goes! Straight into the water tank beneath it! Amelia calls out to Trent to turn on the power, and for a moment, it looks like he can’t do it! But he manages to hit the panel just before falling unconscious. Has he hit the right switch? That humming sound is encouraging, but is it the right thing?

Raven’s Dojo

Posted by Victor on .

Zik wakes up, and wait, he’s back on Zoz?! He’s in the dojo of his two senseis, Raven Perez and Adam Black! Zik is understandably confused; after all, he was just grappling with a giant Clonoid soldier on a Zernabian prison planet! Where are Amelia and Trent? Adam explains: Zik is dreaming right now! He’s not on Zoz at all.

So who are these two? Well, in real life, Raven and Adam are two of my comic bros, and they’re two of the best pals I’ve never actually met face to face. Raven does Raven’s Dojo, and Adam Black has a whole bunch of comics, the current one being Tears Of The Dragon! You should definitely check them out. These are the guys that have been helping me improve my art skills, so if you’ve noticed an increase in quality as the comic progresses, these are the guys to thank for that!

Testing The Water

Posted by Victor on .

So the spring isn’t so special after all! It’s basically mineral water. But Zik is always on the look out for a new opportunity. Perhaps this spring can be tapped and the water sold back home on Zoz! People always like to buy exotic things with mysterious health benefits. The problem is, this isn’t Zik’s planet. No one on Zoz can really conceive of the fact that a whole planet could possibly belong to one individual, but that’s exactly the case here. Queen Elcyra owns this place!