Posts Tagged ‘beach’

Into The Jungle

Posted by Victor on .

Taking charge, Defender Zik decides the strange gravity shift and animal noises need to be investigated.  He puts Ryan in charge of the landing zone, and gets the young Matthew to be his official helper. Ryan is to call for help for the stranded family, and hang tight until it arrives.

Then, Zik and Tanaka head into the jungle in the direction of the sounds they heard. Zik asks if Tanaka has any theories about what just happened, but neither of them understand what they experienced.  Gravity shifts that strong shouldn’t happen, especially deep within the gravity well of a planet!

To lighten the mood, Zik brings up the great prank that Tanaka pulled on Ryan earlier. Tanaka chuckles, remarking that it’s good to remind cargo haulers what real flying looks like from time to time! Zik mentions that it’s good to see Tanaka smiling again, but Tanaka admits to his good friend that being happy when you’ve lost your whole clan feels sort of impossible.

Happy Landings

Posted by Victor on .

Acting fast, Defender Zik helps the amazed young boy out of the burning skycar and swoops back up to the shuttle! He hands the kid to Ryan and promises to head back over to get the kid’s mother. After zooming back, he repeats the process with the lady and hauls her out of the careening vehicle in the nick of time! As they scream into the sky, the skycar smashes into the jungle with a mighty explosion.

Everyone lands on a nearby beach, and the young boy runs out to meet his mother. Crisis averted!

Gallant Defender

Posted by Victor on .

With the rescue balloon inflated, Zik and Haven begin a rapid rise to the surface of the water. The shark starts to follow, but Haven finally manages to activate the shark repeller!

On the surface, Zik spits out his breathing unit to tell Ramesh and Todd to help them out of the water quickly! There’s no holding back a great white shark, so they need to get into the boat pronto!

Once safe, they drive the boat to the dock on the island, and Zik helps Haven out of the boat. Todd’s call for help managed to attract some attention, and a transport ship from the University of Port Rothbard, Haven’s research sponsor, arrives to help. A journalist from Zoz Broadcast News arrives as well, drone camera rolling!

Haven tells the whole story of her discovery, the avalanche, and how Zik rescued her to the reporter. And then she says the fateful words that will cement Zik’s legacy for all time! Zik will forevermore be known as Zik the Gallant Defender of Zoz!

Later that evening, once all the excitement is over, Zik and Haven go for a romantic walk on the beach on Talia Island. The couple has strong feelings for each other, and they begin a relationship with a kiss at sunset.

Following The Dolphins

Posted by Victor on .

Haven is stranded in her underwater lab after the avalanche! Her communications are knocked out and she can’t last forever locked in her lab. She has the bright idea to ask the dolphins for help, and gets them to race off to the nearest inhabited island for help. They swim to Talia Island, where Zik lives with his father and brother.

Ramesh happens to be visiting, helping Zik with his plans for the newly formed Zik Enterprises. Everyone is out on the beach chatting, when Ramesh sees the dolphins leaping about out in the bay. The dolphins chatter and squeak wildly as they try to get their attention.  Finally, the humans clue in that something is up, and Zik, his brother Todd, and Ramesh pile into their boat and race off after the dolphins!

Raven’s Dojo

Posted by Victor on .

Zik wakes up, and wait, he’s back on Zoz?! He’s in the dojo of his two senseis, Raven Perez and Adam Black! Zik is understandably confused; after all, he was just grappling with a giant Clonoid soldier on a Zernabian prison planet! Where are Amelia and Trent? Adam explains: Zik is dreaming right now! He’s not on Zoz at all.

So who are these two? Well, in real life, Raven and Adam are two of my comic bros, and they’re two of the best pals I’ve never actually met face to face. Raven does Raven’s Dojo, and Adam Black has a whole bunch of comics, the current one being Tears Of The Dragon! You should definitely check them out. These are the guys that have been helping me improve my art skills, so if you’ve noticed an increase in quality as the comic progresses, these are the guys to thank for that!