Posts Tagged ‘departures’

Jump to the Jail

Posted by Victor on .

The Temerity and the warship Ron’s Revenge lift off from the monastery and join the small fleet waiting for them in a high orbit above Zoz. Ramesh’s cargo ship the Vigilant Gaddi and some ZEMM transports are escorted by the Sharktooth and its impatient captain.

In the cockpit of the Temerity, Zik’s father expresses concern over Zik’s decision to join the ground battle on the Prison Planet. Zik says that since he’s got some experience with the Clonoids, he should be there, and assures Mitch that he’ll be careful. While Tanaka thinks of the battle ahead with rising Chadee bloodlust, Zik wishes everyone in the cockpit luck, then departs aft to suit up in something. BUT WHAT?

Once the two new ships have taken their place, Blue Squad forms up and jumps into hyperspace! Destination: battle, bloodshed and belligerence!

Destination Determined

Posted by Victor on .

On the elevator to the bridge of Bastion Station, Zik asks Zoot to send a get-well-soon message to Tanaka. Zoot can be summoned as a holographic image now, which is something Zik still has to get used to. The colony computer’s sarcasm remains intact, however!

Arriving on the bridge, Zik asks what the new discovery is all about. Francisco, the science officer for the Temerity, explains that he’s found an unusual rogue planet not too far away. The planet’s readings on the scanners are diffuse and fuzzy, as if it were a comet with a tail.  However, the drifting planet is to far away from any stars at the moment, that the evaporation process that produces a comet’s tail would be impossible here.

Trent, still new to living in space, asks Zik’s brother Todd what a rogue planet is. As someone always enthusiastic about scientific discovery, Todd gives Trent an explanation: it’s a planet drifting alone in space, orbiting no stars, just drifting through the galaxy.

This space oddity is an excellent first target for exploration, Zik decides. He clears a departure time with orbital traffic controller Jolene, and sends word to the rest of the crew of the Temerity to prepare for their first adventure! Set your azimuth, Defenders, we’re off to Planet Hypnos!