Posts Tagged ‘explanations’

Pep Talk

Posted by Victor on .

Zik finds out he’s dreaming his encounter with Sensei Raven and Sensei Adam. Well, while he’s here, he’s going to pick their brains about how to defeat the giant Clonoid! His teachers tell him not to be intimidated by the sheer size and strength of the Clonoid. It has the same basic structure as any other human, and therefore the same basic weak points that can be exploited. And Raven reminds Zik of something that he can do that the Clonoid won’t: amp up his attacks with awesome move names! Zik leaves the Dojo, waking back up in reality to find Amelia and Trent racing towards him!

In case you didn’t see the blog on the previous page, Adam and Raven are real people that have helped me immensely in my journey to tell this story. Adam’s guidance with anatomy and Raven’s unwavering focus and audacity with his own comic have both been instructive to me as I take my artistic journey to become a better visual storyteller. Please take some time to check out their comics at Raven’s Dojo and Locus Comics! Both their creations are NSFW, but hey, we’re grown-ups. If you’re not a grown-up, maybe wait until you are before checking them out.

Raven’s Dojo

Posted by Victor on .

Zik wakes up, and wait, he’s back on Zoz?! He’s in the dojo of his two senseis, Raven Perez and Adam Black! Zik is understandably confused; after all, he was just grappling with a giant Clonoid soldier on a Zernabian prison planet! Where are Amelia and Trent? Adam explains: Zik is dreaming right now! He’s not on Zoz at all.

So who are these two? Well, in real life, Raven and Adam are two of my comic bros, and they’re two of the best pals I’ve never actually met face to face. Raven does Raven’s Dojo, and Adam Black has a whole bunch of comics, the current one being Tears Of The Dragon! You should definitely check them out. These are the guys that have been helping me improve my art skills, so if you’ve noticed an increase in quality as the comic progresses, these are the guys to thank for that!

No Rulers

Posted by Victor on .

Anarchy doesn’t mean chaos. Literally translated it means “no rulers.” That’s what they have going on Zoz, and look how nicely it turned out! So many futuristic stories depict either an authoritarian future or a dystopic future with a breakdown of society following a governmental collapse. It’s high time for a story that explores the plusses and pitfalls by a society without masters!

Vera thinks it sounds pretty swell, but she has a warning for Zik: people here are (understandably) angry at their captors, and who knows what Zik’s arrival may trigger!