Posts Tagged ‘explosions’

A Bigger Kaboom

Posted by Victor on .

Zik’s horror is multiplied as the inside of the factory starts to explode! Multiple detonations engulf the entire interior in flames!  He turns to run when the whole building is consumed by a massive explosion, leveling the entire structure! Did our hero get far enough away? Or has he been caught up in the blast and crushed by the rubble?


Posted by Victor on .

Amelia hustles over to the power conduit and unplugs it from the main panel. Meanwhile, Trent is doing his best to help his fellow prisoners with the Clonoid soldiers. But he runs out of ammo, just as a Clonoid drone reaches for a dropped blaster! Zik attacks the Clonoid supersoldier with a fallen guard rail, but it’s ready for him- it grabs Zik and tries to decapitate him! Unbeknownst to the Clonoid, that isn’t a decorative shoulder pad. It’s an oxygen tank, and it explodes when the Clonoid crushes it! Is Zik OK?

The Kaboom

Posted by Victor on .

Wow, that clonoid is all over the map! Or, as Raven said when he saw this: “I wouldn’t be caught DEAD being that guy.. but that guy would!” The previous two statements have been condemned by the Clonoid Rehabilitation League Local 4102.