Posts Tagged ‘landing’

Landing Zone Rally

Posted by Victor on .

With the first wave of Clonoids dispatched, the Zozian attack force regroups at the landing zone. As they return, the Temerity lands to let Defender Zik, Amelia and Trent Quickdraw out to help the ground troops. A trio of Kodiak shuttle craft also descend to help evacuate the prisoners.

To the amazement of the rest of the Zozian troops, Zik and Amelia exit the Temerity in enormous powered battle armor! Zik explains that they’re of a new design for Kodiak Planetary Security, and Zik got James Anchor to make a couple extra ones for him and Amelia. Trent was also offered a suit, but opted to fight in his new suit of space armor. It’s lighter and stronger, and more suited to his style of fighting than the hulking battle armor.

As the Zozians organize themselves, Defender Zik and Red Wolf discuss the unexpected strength of their enemy. The Clonoids haven’t done much damage yet, but they’re far more numerous than the scans from Todd’s spy drones suggested. But they’re committed now, so it’s time to rescue the prisoners. With a loud battle cry, the Zozians charge fearlessly into the fray!

Siege Landing

Posted by Victor on .

The Temerity descends into the atmosphere of the Zernabian prison planet, along with the transports and other escorts. As they approach, they’re ambushed by a squadron of Clonoid fighters! The evil Clonoids score a direct hit on the Sharktooth, which erupts in flames.

Tanaka delegates the other escort, Ron’s Revenge to help Sharktooth out while he pounces on the Clonoid fighters, shredding them. By the time the Zozian transports are making their approach to the landing zone, the Temerity has make short work of its foes.

All is quiet at the LZ, and the Zozian troops start to disembark while the Temerity cruises overhead. But again, seemingly out of nowhere, another wing of Zernabian fighters shows up on a confounded Francisco’s scanners! How do they keep appearing out of nowhere?

The riddle doesn’t concern Tanaka, and the legendary Chadee bloodlust is in overdrive in him right now! All he sees is fresh meat! Time to feast!

Dislocated Dak

Posted by Victor on .

The barrage of grenades launched by Morren Mallor begins impacting the crater peak right above Defender Zik and Dakaasin!  As the dislodged rubble falls, Dak is unlucky and is struck by a large boulder! Fortunately, the lower gravity on this moon prevents a fatal impact, but she falls from her position halfway up the cliff!

Firing up her rocket boots, Dak guides herself to a safe landing, but she grips her shoulder in agony. A worried Zik calls down to her to see if she’s okay, and she reports that she’s got a dislocated shoulder, but is otherwise all right. But with any further climbing or combat out of the question, she urges Zik to carry on without her.  Your favorite space hero is going to have to rescue the hostages on his own, facing down a mortal enemy armed with a grenade launcher!

Cliff Dash

Posted by Victor on .

Springing from cover, Defender Zik and Dakaasin leap forward for their mad dash to the central peak of the crater! Quickdraw lays down some heavy covering fire with his sniper rifle, causing the Jairian in his sights to leap back behind a boulder to avoid getting zorched! As bullets and plasma beams fill the sky, Zik and Dak fly full out, low to the ground to take advantage of any cover they can get! After a harrowing few moments that seem like hours, they arrive at the central peak! They made it in one piece!

Springing The Trap

Posted by Victor on .

In his eagerness to reunite with his daughter, Gordon Mises gets ahead of the rest of the crew of the Temerity.  Defender Zik urges caution, because this scenario seems too much like an….


From hiding, Morren fires at the person who looks most like how he remembers Zik from their last encounter. But that person is the unfortunate Gordon, whose arm is blown clear off from Morren’s shot!

Gordon falls out of the sky, and while Zik scrambles to catch him, everyone scatters. Bullets are zipping in from all around the crater, and there’s a mad dash for cover while Sten, Tanaka and Trent Quickdraw give covering fire.

They reach the crater floor after some near-misses, and Zik calls out to the Temerity for support – Amelia, come back!

A New Crewmate

Posted by Victor on .

As Defender Zik and Tanaka return to the beach landing zone, the Temerity approaches in the distance. Tanaka remarks that he and Zik make a good team, having already been through three death-defying adventures together! Zik heartily agrees, and again offers Tanaka a place aboard the Temerity. Tanaka accepts! Welcome aboard!!

But what did the insidious Dr. Wagner mean when he mentioned curing all the sleeping people? It’s a mystery for another day, because it’s time to wrap up this epic adventure through the time tunnel!

That’s right, Defenders, we’ve reached the end of this episode! We’ll be back shortly for an all-new adventure with your favorite space hero Defender Zik!

Happy Landings

Posted by Victor on .

Acting fast, Defender Zik helps the amazed young boy out of the burning skycar and swoops back up to the shuttle! He hands the kid to Ryan and promises to head back over to get the kid’s mother. After zooming back, he repeats the process with the lady and hauls her out of the careening vehicle in the nick of time! As they scream into the sky, the skycar smashes into the jungle with a mighty explosion.

Everyone lands on a nearby beach, and the young boy runs out to meet his mother. Crisis averted!

Evacuation Operation

Posted by Victor on .

A discussion has begun with the alien crystal on planet Hypnos! Defender Zik begins to interact with the crystal, who is picking up English very quickly.  It already understands that meteorites are common, which is why it took up residence in the cave, and it offers to have the crew of the Temerity join it in there to stay safe from the impending strike.

Zik says that they can’t afford to get stuck in the cave if there’s a direct hit (not to mention that the ship would never fit in there). When Zik explains that they live on another planet far away, the alien crystal already seems familiar with the concept! A shocked Francisco realizes the huge implications that there is yet another species of aliens out there – humans are not alone in this galaxy!

The crystal is adamant that it no longer wishes to be all alone in the cave, and it awkwardly asks to come with them.  Zik agrees, and the Temerity lands to pick up its newest passenger!

Surveying The Landscape

Posted by Victor on .

As the crew of the Temerity coasts over the savage landscape of planet Hypnos, Francisco notices a strange lack of readings nearby, like a shadow on his monitor. Zik decides that’s as good a place to start a close-up investigation as any, and spots a small valley to land in.

After landing, the crew gets ready to head outside. Francisco declines to join the away team, because he wants to follow up on his investigation of the debris field following the planet as it hurtles between the stars. He’s noticed a strong similarity between the debris and parts of the planet that are at higher elevations, and wants to confirm his suspicions.

A foursome comprising Mizhakwan, Trent, Amelia and Zik descends the ramp and steps onto the surface of the mysterious world. Amelia and Zik are struck by a landscape bearing the scars of some mighty cataclysm. Intrigued by Francisco’s line of reasoning, Zik suggests setting out for a spot where two types of terrain seem to intersect.

However, Mizhakwan is getting some strong feelings about the planet, and the shadows on the scans that brought the crew here to begin with. Zik goes along with the suggestion, because they can always check out the geology on the way back, right?

Chadee On The Roof

Posted by Victor on .

Meanwhile, outside the ship, Tanaka’s fighter has taken critical damage! He ejects in the nick of time, and his ship explodes behind him.

Trained for just such an emergency, Tanaka engages his EVR system. He uses his grappling hook and rocket boots to get to safety. Landing on the roof of the Kodiak’s bridge, he draws his pistol, and prepares to continue the fight!