Posts Tagged ‘Queen Elcyra’s yacht’

Elcyra Inbound

Posted by Victor on .

Several light years away, Queen Elcyra is racing to the prison planet to see to the prisoner uprising personally! She gets a status report, and it seems that the massive Clonoid soldier has tipped the balance in the fighting firmly onto her side; there are only fifty-six prisoners left alive! This pleases her, but she wants to know specifically about Zik. Will he still pose a threat to her?

Elcyra Schemes

Posted by Victor on .

The Queen reaches the point where Amelia hits the Clonoid with a rock and realizes he had help from her slaves! She decides to go straight there to sort things out. What nastiness has Queen Elcyra got up her sleeve? What’s going to happen to poor Amelia? Stay tuned to find out!

Watching The Footage

Posted by Victor on .

Queen Elcyra hasn’t got to where she is today by making rash decisions! She’ll study her enemy and take them apart once she finds a weakness. To that end, she studies the footage her Clonoids captured of their encounter with him!

Debris Field

Posted by Victor on .

Meanwhile, many light years away, The surviving ships of a very recent space battle exit the debris field. There isn’t even a scratch on Queen Elcyra’s flagship! That should give you a hint as to its sheer destructive power. But whose fleet is now in ruins?