Posts Tagged ‘Ron’s Revenge’

Return to Prison Planet

Posted by Victor on .

After several jumps through hyperspace to conceal their approach vectors, the Zozian fleets arrive in the Zernabian prison system! Dead ahead of the Temerity is the infamous prison planet where Zik encountered the Clonoids for the first time. Tanaka gets a tactical report from Francisco; their fleet, Blue Squad, has all arrived safely. The other Zozian fleets are also reporting in as they arrive, and the massive Kodiak 2 dominates the scene. The Zozian fleets outnumber the token Clonoid sentry, and their capital ship, while large, is dwarfed by the Kodiak 2.

Upon receiving a similar keep-away message as Defender Zik received when he stumbled on the system, his father Mitch takes to the radio. He announces to the Clonoids that the Zozians have arrived to offer transportation and safe harbor to anyone who wishes to leave the planet. The Zernabians respond with a terse warning, claiming that the slaves are owned by Queen Elcyra and any intruders will be fired upon. Taking the high road, Mitch retorts that there can be no legitimate claims of ownership by one sentient creature on another. The Zozians will not be dissuaded and leave the ball in the Clonoid’s court. Tanaka, of course, hopes they choose battle.

The answer is soon given in the form of a stream of massive plasma bolts from the Clonoid capital ship, which detonate on the hull of one of the Makwa corvettes escorting the Kodiak 2. Mitch gives the order to all Zozian fleets: Engage the enemy!

A gleeful Tanaka guns the engines, eager to catch up to the Sharktooth, who jumped ahead. The Battle of Prison Planet has begun!

Jump to the Jail

Posted by Victor on .

The Temerity and the warship Ron’s Revenge lift off from the monastery and join the small fleet waiting for them in a high orbit above Zoz. Ramesh’s cargo ship the Vigilant Gaddi and some ZEMM transports are escorted by the Sharktooth and its impatient captain.

In the cockpit of the Temerity, Zik’s father expresses concern over Zik’s decision to join the ground battle on the Prison Planet. Zik says that since he’s got some experience with the Clonoids, he should be there, and assures Mitch that he’ll be careful. While Tanaka thinks of the battle ahead with rising Chadee bloodlust, Zik wishes everyone in the cockpit luck, then departs aft to suit up in something. BUT WHAT?

Once the two new ships have taken their place, Blue Squad forms up and jumps into hyperspace! Destination: battle, bloodshed and belligerence!


Posted by Victor on .

It’s the morning of the Great Raid on the Zernabian Prison Planet! Before heading into battle, the Temerity and the destroyer Ron’s Revenge land at the mountaintop monastery of St. Nicholas of Myra in order to let members of their respective crews prepare spiritually. Outside, Amelia is getting her first taste of winter; coming from a desert planet, she’s never made a snowman! As she and Zik finish their portly snowperson, Amelia asks about what’s going on in the temple. As it turns out, she never learned about God and religion; it didn’t exist in the prison camps.

Curious, Amelia asks about whether Zik believes in God. He replies that he doesn’t know anymore; his faith has been shaken following the death of his mother. Just then, the priest conducting the services steps outside, signaling its conclusion. Zik offers to introduce Amelia to him, to show her that it’s not so strange. Indeed, Father Nikko turns out to be warm-hearted and happy to meet the famous Zernabian Firebird. He inquires why Zik didn’t come in and join his father, Mizhakwan, and the captain of Ron’s Revenge for a blessing. Explaining his reticence, Zik mentions that he won’t turn down a blessing, but church is still too difficult for him.

A jolly Father Nikko teases his cousin Mizhakwan about her different views, something the two of them do to each other every time they meet. Turning serious, he gives a final formal blessing to the warriors and their ships before they leave. A curious and respectful Amelia watches as everyone bows their heads, and then it’s time to leave for battle!


Religion on Zoz isn’t a very big part of life for the most part. The major religions that came to Zoz are Christianity, Buddhism, various forms of North American pagan animism, and Hindu. Most of the original Zozian settlers were atheistic, however, and that’s the dominant belief for the majority of the population. Some major Old Earth religions like Islam did not have a significant population among the original settlers and simply died out.

Christianity specifically is structured a little differently than back on Old Earth. For Roman Catholics, they’re unable to communicate with Rome, so they have no idea who the Pope is. To adapt, they took on some of the traditions and structure of the Eastern Orthodox, and some overlap began to occur. The original Christian community was small enough that it was a matter of survival to work closely together, even though a few theological differences kept them from fully uniting. Protestants, Evangelicals, and most other denominations are simply not present anymore, having been underrepresented among the first settlers.