Posts Tagged ‘worries’

Lone Giant

Posted by Victor on .

Emerging from the cave, Defender Zik and Mizhakwan are amazed to find that the crystals have grouped themselves together and are merging into one giant mass! The crystal grows as the Temerity pumps out the radio waves at full power.

Once back on board, they head straight for the cockpit, where a concerned Amelia asks if they’re hurt. Francisco urges Zik to consider leaving at their earliest opportunity. When pressed for a reason, he explains that his study of the orbiting debris field has revealed that the passage of the ship caused a great deal of disturbance in the cloud!  Some of the debris is now falling to the planet, and the Temerity itself is in danger of getting flattened!

Prison Worries

Posted by Victor on .

Amelia is stuck in a cell! Understandably, she’s concerned about her fate. Her questions may be about to be answered though, as there’s a Clonoid at the door with a message! Who could it be from?