Bear Hug

Posted by Victor on .

The Clonoid has waited until Zik was close, and it grabs him in its giant arms! Zik realizes his mistake too late as the Clonoid squeezes him in a crushing bear hug! Something snaps, and the Clonoid tosses Zik aside. Our hero can’t breathe! The chest plate has been crushed and it’s preventing Zik from being able to fill his lungs! Luckily, Zoot is always monitoring things, and ejects the body armor before Zik is suffocated. In the meanwhile, the Clonoid has grabbed a giant chunk of rubble. It heaves the huge boulder over its head and prepares to crush Zik with it! Is this the end??

Boss Fight

Posted by Victor on .

Zik charges his enormous foe! But the Clonoid is waiting for him on top of the rubble of the factory. Our hero engages his EVR and rockets through the air and delivers a mighty punch! His nerves pushed past their rational limits, Zik yells at the Clonoid and proceeds to give him a giant boot to the head!


Posted by Victor on .

Zik has an apology to make to Amelia; he never intended for this riot to happen! All he wanted to do was negotiate for her release from prison, not cause a riot that ended in the factory explosion and the mass murder of a couple hundred people! Zik and Amelia look deeply into each others eyes… when suddenly a rock smashes into Zik’s head! The Clonoid Super Soldier has chucked a chunk of rubble at Zik, crushing his helmet! Zik tells Amelia to get herself and Trent to safety, and readies himself to finish this battle once and for all!


Posted by Victor on .

A shocked Amelia charges towards the factory, not believing that almost everyone she knows has just perished. Coughing, Zik emerges from the gloom and consoles her as well as he can. The reality is that the firebombs inside the factory that preceded the demolition would have immolated anyone inside. No one could survive that… or could they?

A Bigger Kaboom

Posted by Victor on .

Zik’s horror is multiplied as the inside of the factory starts to explode! Multiple detonations engulf the entire interior in flames!  He turns to run when the whole building is consumed by a massive explosion, leveling the entire structure! Did our hero get far enough away? Or has he been caught up in the blast and crushed by the rubble?

Fatal Decree

Posted by Victor on .

Zik and Amelia deposit the unconscious Trent a safe distance from the factory, and Zik announces his intention to go back inside to stop the riot. But as he opens the door, he makes a chilling discovery: the Clonoid super soldier survived its electrocution! It’s back to create more havoc for the prisoners! Meanwhile, as she hurtles through space towards the prison planet, Queen Elcyra receives the news that the Clonoid cybernetic network can no longer detect the super soldier; communications with it has been severed. Also, the other Clonoids have reported that Zik is escaping. Elcyra has had enough, it’s time to level the building!

Moving To Safety

Posted by Victor on .

With the Clonoid Super-Soldier out of the way, Zik and Amelia rush to Trent’s side to see if he’s okay. As it turns out, he’s merely unconscious, breathing normally and without anything broken. Thank goodness! Zik starts carrying Trent out of harm’s way. He and Amelia share their amazement that their audacious trap actually worked! Zik tells Amelia that he’s only lightly hurt, and that his body armor took the brunt of the damage. He’s just relieved that he won’t have to face that monster again! Or will he??

Extra Crispy

Posted by Victor on .

The power is engaged! A zillion volts surge through the giant Clonoid super-soldier as Zik looks on from the safety of the catwalk.  Our relieved hero watches to make sure his goose is well cooked. Now all he has to do is stop a whole riot! All in a day for Zoz’s greatest hero.

Down It Goes

Posted by Victor on .

The catwalk collapses under the Clonoid, and down it goes! Straight into the water tank beneath it! Amelia calls out to Trent to turn on the power, and for a moment, it looks like he can’t do it! But he manages to hit the panel just before falling unconscious. Has he hit the right switch? That humming sound is encouraging, but is it the right thing?

Confronting The Demon

Posted by Victor on .

Amazingly, Zik gets back up! It takes more than an exploding oxygen tank to keep our hero down. A relieved Amelia, noticing that Trent is also still alive, tosses the power cable into the now-open water tank. Meanwhile Zik taunts the Clonoid with a line from Lord Of The Rings! No, Clonoid, YOU SHALL NOT PASS! Slamming the pole onto the catwalk as hard as he can, Zik hears a satisfying CRACK! as the catwalk gives way…

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I hope you have a fun time tonight, whatever your plans are. Stay safe if you’re out trick or treating! Oh, and don’t dress up (or down) as a giant, naked Clonoid Supersoldier; you’ll probably get arrested.