Role Reversal

Posted by Victor on .

Trent finally catches up with Amelia, only to find her standing over the corpse of her erstwhile Clonoid jailer. They compare notes, and Amelia learns what all the commotion she’s been hearing is about. Shocked, she rushes off to help Zik and the others! The prisoner has become the rescuer!


Posted by Victor on .

Amelia rips the antenna right out of the Clonoid’s head! It falls backward, tripping over the guard railing and down to the factory floor. The second Clonoid receives orders to kill Amelia and starts to open the door! But Amelia is ready for it! With a mighty kick and a shove, she beats her way through the door and confronts the dazed Clonoid with the shelf she ripped from the wall. Bringing the shelf down on its head, she ends its miserable semblance of a life! This is one damsel that’s not in any distress!

I tried something new with Amelia’s hair… let me know in the comments if you like it!

Escape Plan

Posted by Victor on .

Meanwhile, Amelia has been busy! With all the commotion going on downstairs with the riot, maybe now is a good time to escape. She rips a shelf right off the wall and uses it to start breaking the door handle! She’s interrupted by some Clonoids at the door, but the ever-adaptable Amelia hatches a new plan – one that hinges on the antenna in the Clonoid’s head!

Here We Go

Posted by Victor on .

Zik is flung into the factory wall, denting it in the process! What a kick! Good thing he has body armor, although according to Zoot it has taken some damage! Zik gets ready as the Clonoid charges — the fight is on! He blocks a mighty punch and returns with one of his own, but the Clonoid grabs his arm and flings him like a rag doll into a pile of boxes! Zik is unconscious! Oh no!


Posted by Victor on .

Trying to monopolize this big guy’s attention, Zik starts up some mildly insulting banter. He has a point, though: despite all the muscles, there’s literally nothing to interest the ladies back on Zoz! I guess that’s not why Queen Elcyra has them around.  The Clonoid is only too happy to engage Zik directly, and even finishes his sentence for him!

Light Him Up

Posted by Victor on .

Zik and Trent try the first, obvious solution: fill the massive Clonoid with bullets! This guy has incredibly thick skin, it seems, so he’s able to simply brush the bullets off and drop them to the floor. Zik decides that guns are of no further use, so he hands his to Trent and tells him to go find Amelia. Zik wants to take this guy on alone?!

Clonoid Smash!

Posted by Victor on .

WHO LET THE AVENGERS INTO THIS STORY? Oh, wait, that’s a Clonoid! That’s the new one that arrived and was here to get fitted for a uniform! Queen Elcyra has bred a new Super Soldier Clonoid!

Quite An Entrance

Posted by Victor on .

Things are going well in this riot! The drones are easily dispatched, and there are far fewer soldier Clonoids. Trent points the way to where Amelia is being held captive.

Meanwhile, a trio of prisoners decides to try their luck with a doorway to a restricted area. It’s locked, but something busts its way through! What is happening?!

Diving In

Posted by Victor on .

Despite the ruckus, there’s still a job to do! It’s time to get Amelia! Zik and Trent wade into the fray, taking out whomever they can to try and tip the balance in their favor!


Posted by Victor on .

Greg hasn’t stopped acting completely irrationally, and immediately starts a riot in the factory! Trent explains to Zik that these guys have always been trouble and have now started something that they probably can’t handle. By the time he and Trent make it inside, there’s a full scale battle going on!