Posts Tagged ‘Clonoid soldiers’

Strafe Run

Posted by Victor on .

As the Temerity cleans up the last of the Zernabian snub fighters, Francisco reports that the ground team is facing heavy fire at the landing zone. Tanaka turns back to assist!
Sure enough, as they approach, they see a large unit of Clonoids charging the Zozian position, supported by two copters raining plasma bolts down in support! Red Wolf is having trouble establishing his planned formations under the withering assault.
But the flimsy patrol copters are no match for the Temerity, and Dakaasin makes short work of them on their first pass. Tanaka circles around for a couple more passes over the Clonoid charge, which quickly turns into a rout. Taking advantage of the reprieve, Red Wolf orders the Zozians to fall back to the LZ so they can get their troop formations re-established.


Posted by Victor on .

Amelia hustles over to the power conduit and unplugs it from the main panel. Meanwhile, Trent is doing his best to help his fellow prisoners with the Clonoid soldiers. But he runs out of ammo, just as a Clonoid drone reaches for a dropped blaster! Zik attacks the Clonoid supersoldier with a fallen guard rail, but it’s ready for him- it grabs Zik and tries to decapitate him! Unbeknownst to the Clonoid, that isn’t a decorative shoulder pad. It’s an oxygen tank, and it explodes when the Clonoid crushes it! Is Zik OK?

Diving In

Posted by Victor on .

Despite the ruckus, there’s still a job to do! It’s time to get Amelia! Zik and Trent wade into the fray, taking out whomever they can to try and tip the balance in their favor!


Posted by Victor on .

Greg hasn’t stopped acting completely irrationally, and immediately starts a riot in the factory! Trent explains to Zik that these guys have always been trouble and have now started something that they probably can’t handle. By the time he and Trent make it inside, there’s a full scale battle going on!


Posted by Victor on .

A legend is born! It turns out Trent is pretty handy with a pistol! Like a gunslinger right out of the old American West! The Clonoid soldier barely has time to glance over before Trent has shot him straight through the heart. Zik is astounded and gives him the name “Quickdraw” on the spot! Greg irrationally blames Zik for the devastating failure of the attack and runs into the factory!


Many Zozians have several names. In keeping with the North American First Nations traditions that are so prevalent on Zoz, it starts with the name you were given by your parents when you were born. Later, if you accomplish a memorable deed, you are very likely to receive another name or a title to go along with your original name. Zik became Defender Zik (as we will see in Episode 2), and now Trent has become Trent Quickdraw!

A Fatal Mistake

Posted by Victor on .

Oh no! What a disaster! They get themselves killed trying to start a revolution! Zik curses the rashness of their actions, and probably himself for not seeing it coming, despite Vera’s warning!


Posted by Victor on .

The Clonoid soldier declares that Zik is under arrest, but before anyone can do anything, the prisoners launch a surprise attack! One sucker punch and one big rock to the snout! Unfortunately, Clonoid soldiers always meet aggression with deadly force, and now the second one moves to attack. Worse, since all the Clonoids are networked, the entire factory, indeed all Clonoids everywhere instantly know what’s happening here! Disaster!


Posted by Victor on .

The party approaches the factory, which has a couple of stern-looking Colonoid soldiers guarding the entrance. Word is, there’s a new Clonoid being fitted for a uniform today. Zik is confronted and decides to shed his disguise and open a dialogue. What will happen next?

Interviewing The Prisoner

Posted by Victor on .

Queen Elcyra is pretty confident that she’s got things under control! After all, she has an army of Clonoid drones and soldiers at her command. And as we’ve seen, she has a secret weapon that no one knows about yet! Can Zik prevail?

Watching The Footage

Posted by Victor on .

Queen Elcyra hasn’t got to where she is today by making rash decisions! She’ll study her enemy and take them apart once she finds a weakness. To that end, she studies the footage her Clonoids captured of their encounter with him!